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Page:Caledonia (Defoe).djvu/57

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[1] Guſtavus ſaw how Fury like they fought,
And better witneſs never Soldiers ſought;
The mighty Hero ſmil'd, with Wonder pleaſ'd,
And ſtill they fought the more, the more he praiſ'd.
They Crown'd his Head with Lawrell's firſt, and he
To their juſt Valour [2] own'd his Victory.
From whence advancing with a juſt Applauſe,
The ruin'd Proteſtants abandon'd Cauſe;
Religion and the Countrey they reſtore,
And grateful Germany commemorates the Hour.

In thirty Months continued fierce Campaign,
From Leipſick Plains, the Neckar, and the Main,
The Rhine, the Danube, and the Lech they croſ't,
No Battle where they fought was ever loſt.
Never was ſuch an Army, ſuch a Head,

Such Men to follow, ſuch a King to Lead:

  1. The King of Sweden hearing of the Distress the Scots were in, came in Person with a Body of Horse and Dragoons to their Relief, Charg'd the Imperial Dragoons who had engag'd their Flank, and soon clear'd 'em of that Incumbrance. But seing how bravely they fought, and that there was no Danger on that Side, he call'd out Laughing to Sir John Hepburn, Al I EGREMENT, which is as much as to say in English, Bravely done Boys; and went back to his own Forces, where he soon overthrew the Im|perialists, and compleated the Victory.
  2. Both the King of Sweden and the Elector of Saxony, publickly Com|plemented Sir John Hepburn, and the rest of the Scots Collonels upon the Occasion; and own'd the Victory to be very much owing to their extra|ordinary Behaviour.