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Page:Caledonia (Defoe).djvu/64

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At Derry, Limrick, Agrim, or the Boyn,
Athlone, Namure, at Steenkirk, or anden;
At all, their Hero's fought, at all they dy'd,
And latent Virtue want of Victory ſupply'd.

William, that Men of Courage lov'd t'obey,
How mourn'd he Douglaſs, Angus, and Mackay?
Too great a Loſs for one unhappy Day.
A Loſs that yielded France the Victory;
A Loſs that none but Scotland could ſupply;
None had ſuch to ſurvive, or ſuch to Dy.

Should we to recent Memory apply,
And trace the Scots in Modern Hiſtory:
The preſent riſing Glory of their Name,
Comes up to all that's ancient in their Fame.
At Schellemberg how could they chooſe but fight,
New Vigour ſwell'd their Nation at the ſight;
The very Spot where [1] Hepburn Storm'd before,
And Conquering Scots, Imperial Standards tore.
Where Ramſey, Murray, Rhea, and Hamilton,
Like Lyons fought, the Swedes amaz'd lookt on,
And ſaw th' impregnable Intrenchments won.

  1. Hepburn Storm'd before. The Scots in the King of Swedens Army beat John de Werth the Bavarian General, out of his Intrenchments at Schel|lembergh, where they had posted themselves almost upon the same Ground where the French and Bavarians were now Posted. Here Ramsey, and Rea, two Collonels of the Scots, according to the usual and particular Bravery of these two Ancient Families, entred the Intrenchments Sword in Hand, with a very great slaughter of the Enemy.