Titles from [1] France; from Sweden Wounds and Scars,
And batter'd Bones they bring from Belgick Wars;
Yet fraught with Honour, and rewards of Fame,
Honour revives, and Years increaſe the Flame.
Eight Noble Branches hand their Glory down,
Channels of Blood from Caledonia's Crown,
Each have large ſhares of Merit of their own.
Each in their proper Lines their Houſes raiſe,
By Perſ'nal and Hereditary Praiſe;
What Debt of Praiſe are to the Leſly's due?
Who ſhall their Family or Fame purſue?
The Bloody Steps no ſingle Line can trace,
Nor Envy fetch'd from Hell, their Hiſtory deface.
Born Gen'rals, all by Nature fram'd for War,
In ev'ry Battel's Front their Names appear;
The Swede, the Ruſs, and the Hungarians yield,
To them the willing Tribute of the Field;
From Eſſeck Bridge to mighty Aſtracan,
Their Terrors with the Barb'rous Crowds remain.
Graſted to this Old Stock, and to their Fame,
Leven adds Modern Glory to the Ancient Name;
Scotland depends on his experienc'd Hand,
- ↑ Titles from France. The ancestors of this Noble Family obtain'd the Title of Duke of Chateas Reault in France; and by which Title they were known in Scotland, at the time of the Reformation.