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Page:Caledonia (Defoe).djvu/76

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ANN, the remaining Glory of the Race,
With unexampl'd Luſtre fills the place,
Without their failings all their Virtue ſhares,
And Britains bright Imperial Joy prepares.
Bleſt be the Hour, bleſt that auſpicious Reign
When ANN, the Stuarts laſt Glory, ſhall obtain
That Calm both Nations long have wiſh'd in Vain.
When Years of Rapine and Revenge ſhall ceaſe,
And Feuds of Blood be loſt in Floods of Peace;
Reſerv'd for her, reſerv'd to Crown the Line,
Sever'd too long, the liſtning Nations Joyn.
Nature directs, concurring Cauſe invites,
The Nations ſay Amen, and all of courſe Unites.
Then Party Hate and Border Spleen lay'd down,
Our Hearts ſhall firſt unite, and then the Crown;
Britain be one, one End and Intereſt view,
And hand in hand one Happineſs purſue.

A Gallaxy of Worthies now appear,
And ſpread the Caledonian Hemiſphere;
ROXBURGH enjoys the Curſe of all mans Praiſe,
And TWEEDDALE adds trueLuſtre to the ancient HAYS,
Grave and ſedate, he fill'd his Sovereign's Throne,
Maintain'd its Honour, and increaſ'd his own.

Montroſe revives the Ancient Race of Gra'me,
From Time and Injury retrieves the Name,

Lays all his Family Oppreſſions by,