Strong Sciences in pleaſing Order ſtand,
With Borders of Philoſophy on either hand.
Theſe well reward the Lab'rers conſtant Toil,
Are nouriſh'd by, and yet improve the Soil.
But above all the Wonders of the Spot,
A ſimple, Men of Learning oft forgot,
In a ſmall Border very cold and dry,
Here thrives that Tender Trifle, HONESTY;
Neglected Weed! from what ſtrange Climate brought,
How ſeldom found, indeed, how ſeldom ſought?
How do the eaſy World appear content
With ſpurious Kinds,
How very often vent
The Falſe for True, and give their Senſe the lye,
And make their Int'reſt paſs for Honeſty?
Another Plant, but ah! how faint it grows?
Not that 'tis hurt by Climate, Froſt, and Snows;
But as if Nature ſuffer'd ſtrong Decay,
It withers every where, and dies away.
The niceſt Plant that ever grew,
Talk'd of by many, underſtood by few.
It's only Help is Honeſty, and where
That thrives, it gets ſome Strength; but's very rare,
By Weeds of Self and Jealouſie ore'run,