Puſh to a Vice the Luſt of doing well,
And in whate're they Practiſe they excell.
Humes and Da'rymples here adorn the Law,
With ſteady Juſtice,
Neither drive nor draw
But with the Head inform'd, and Hand upright,
Give every Cauſe its own impartial Weight,
In every Branch of Learning here they riſe,
Nothing too high they fear, too low deſpiſe,
In every Science, every Juſt Extreme,
Men of Perfection may be found with them.
The Laws in Miſts and Darkneſs they make clear,
And Phyſick thrives in ſpight of wholſome Air,
Pharmacopaea, void of ſimples, Lives,
And Surgery in barren Practice thrives,
Philoſophy meer ſimple Knowledge vents,
Rather by Nature than Experiments.
Muſick in ſpight of Diſcord, charms the Ear,
And Jarring Parties break no Conſort here.
Thus bleſt with Art, enricht with Heads and Hands,
Producing Seas, and more productive Lands;
The Climate ſound, the People prompt and ſtrong;
Why is her Happineſs delay'd ſo long?
Why with ſuch Patience, and ſo long endure,