Page:California a guide to the Golden state-WPA-1939.djvu/10

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Among the many individuals to whom the editors wish to express their gratitude for generous aid in special fields are: Herbert E. Bolton, Will G. Corlett, Richard Down, Alfred Frankenstein, Louis J. Gill, Florence Hagee, Norman E. A. Hinds, Paul Robinson Hunter, Rupert Hughes, Olaf Jenkins, William Templeton Johnson, Idwal Jones, William Knowles, R. B. Koeber, A. L. Kroeber, Grace L. McCann Morely, Richard S. Requa, C. J. Ryland, Carl Sauer, Windsor Soule, W. L. Stephenson, George R. Stewart, Jr., Hilmuth Ulmer, T. K. Whipple, Lloyd Yoder, and finally the sponsor, Mabel R. Gillis, State Librarian, for her interest and gracious advice.

Field supervision from the Washington office of the Federal Writers' Project was done by Clair Laning, Assistant National Director.

James Hopper, State Director for Northern California

Leon Dorais, State Director for Southern California