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Cite as 532 F.2d 674 (1976)

On July 10, 1972, the district court granted summary judgment in favor of VW and Subsidiary on the postponed Sherman Act claims. Calnetics Corp. v. Volkswagen of America, Inc., 348 F.Supp. 623 (C.D.Cal.1972).

On January 19, 1973, the district court issued a supplemental order which: provided for VW’s divestiture of Subsidiary; enjoined VW and its wholly owned subsidiaries for a period of seven years from importing into the United States any Volkswagen, Porsche, or Audi automobiles equipped with factory-installed air conditioning; imposed a 10-year ban on domestic manufacture and assembly of automobile air conditioners by VW; and permanently enjoined VW and its wholly owned distributors from satisfying more than 50% of their need for automobile air conditioners from the output of the divested firm. Calnetics Corp. v. Volkswagen of America, Inc., 353 F.Supp. 1219 (C.D.Cal.1973).


VW and Subsidiary argue that all the summary dispositions in their favor and in favor of Distributor are correct. VW and Subsidiary also argue that even if only one of the three summary dispositions in favor of them or Distributor is correct VW and Subsidiary are necessarily entitled to summary dismissal of all the plaintiff’s damage claims. Finally, VW and Subsidiary argue that if all three summary dispositions in favor of them or Distributor are erroneous then Calnetics’ entire § 7 claim, which sought both damages and equitable relief, must be remanded for a jury trial. With respect to their counterclaims, VW and Subsidiary urge that the summary judgment in favor of Calnetics was erroneous.

Calnetics argues that the three summary dispositions in favor of Distributor, VW, and Subsidiary were erroneous. It does not respond directly, however, to VW and Subsidiary’s argument that the consequence of that error is that VW and Subsidiary become entitled to a jury trial on the entire § 7 claim. (Calnetics implicitly concedes that the defendants can have a jury trial, because Calnetics asserts error in the summary judgments against Calnetics on the damages claims.)

We consider first Calnetics’ challenges to the summary dispositions of its damages claims against VW, Subsidiary, and Distributor. In conjunction with our analysis of these challenges, we will also consider VW’s and Subsidiary’s challenge to the summary judgment dismissing their counterclaims against Calnetics.

A.  Summary Judgment in Favor of Volkswagen Pacific, Inc., (Distributor) on Calnetics’ Antitrust Claims.

Calnetics had alleged that Distributor conspired with VW and Subsidiary (1) unreasonably to restrain trade and commerce in the business of marketing air conditioners for Volkswagen automobiles in violation of § 1 of the Sherman Act, and (2) to monopolize said trade and commerce in violation of § 2 of the Sherman Act. After the submission of numerous documents, depositions, and affidavits, and the presentation of oral and written arguments, the court made extensive findings of fact and concluded that Distributor had not violated the antitrust laws.

The court’s critical finding (No. 17) stated:

“* * * By reason of the problems with and dealer complaints received concerning the * * * [Calnetics] air-conditioners, the refusal of many * * * [Distributor] dealers to purchase those units, and the widespread success of * * * [Delta] in the * * * [Distributor] area, in the fall of 1969 * * * [Distributor] determined, in its independent business judgment to cease handling * * * [Calnetics] air-conditioners on an exclusive basis and to distribute the full line of * * * [Delta] air-conditioners. This decision reflected a policy decision by * * * [Distributor] that it was in its interests and those of the dealer and Volkswagen purchaser to have a