Page:Cambodian system of writing and beginning reader.pdf/14

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Chart 3. Vowels
Short Vowels Short Diphthongs
Front Central Back
High i ɨ u ŭə
Mid e ə o ĕə ŏe
Lower Mid ɛ a ɔ
Low ɑ

Phonetic Key

Long Vowels and Diphthongs
as in /ciik/ 'to dig'. High front unrounded vowel like English ee in cheek.
as in /biə/ 'playing cards'. Falling diphthong, moving from a high front to a mid central position.
as in /leeŋ/ 'to play'. Higher-mid front unrounded vowel with lax and breathy articulation; similar to French ée in année.
as in /kmeiŋ/ 'to be young'. Tense diphthong starting at a point lower than, and ending at a point higher than, /ee/ above.
as in /lɛɛŋ/ 'to quit'. Lower-mid front unrounded vowel with lax and breathy articulation; similar to French ai in aide. Occurs long only.
as in /lɨɨ/ 'to hear'. High central unrounded vowel made by raising the center of the tongue toward the soft palate while keeping the lips flat or spread.
as in /cɨə/ 'to believe'. Falling diphthong, moving from a high central to a mid central position.
as in /ləə/ 'on', Higher-mid central unrounded vowel with lax and breathy articulation; similar to French eu in peu.
as in /məɨn/ '10,000'. Tense diphthong moving from a position lower than, and ending at a point higher than, /əə/ above.
as in /kaa/ 'work'. Tense lower-mid front-of-center unrounded vowel similar to the French a in va. (This vowel is fronter and higher than the English a in Father; to pronounce it as such would confuse it with the vowel /ɑɑ/ to the ear of a Cambodian).

    the analysis, thirty-one vocalic contrasts must be maintained for an accurate representation of standard Cambodian syllables.