Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/20

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xvi Contents. PACK Law requires the support of religion. Religion as an instrument of rule. This theoretical foundation required for practical politics . . . 207 Appeal to experience; to history; to ancient Rome. Moral obligation dependent on necessity of law ... .... 208 Good denned as that which serves the interests of the majority. Influence of Christianity . .*'.'. 209 Free Will and Fortune . . . . .' ., . . . . 210 Success the test of political action ; all means good which lead to success. Relation of morality to practical politics. Machiavelli's various treatises ........... 211 The Prince ; the result of Machiavelli's experience ; local and Italian patriotism. Novelty of Machiavelli's position . . . . . 212 Emancipation of political wisdom from ecclesiastical control. Rule of reason ; new conception of the State. Republican sympathies. Necessity of despotism 213 Corruption of Italy ; to be cured by a despot 214 The enemies of reform ; a republic incapable of curbing them. Reform as restoration 215 Popular support needed. Fraud and violence necessary means . . 216 Necessity condones offences of the wise prince. Thoroughness essential to success ............ 217 Permanent interest and influence of The Prince . . 218 CHAPTER VII. ROME AND THE TEMPORAL POWER. By RICHARD GARNETT, C.B., LL.D. Establishment of the Pope's temporal rule part of a general movement towards coalescence in Europe 219 Effects on the papacy as a spiritual institution 220 Nepotism and the papacy. Sixtus IV. Innocent VIII .... 221 Innocent's weakness ; at home and abroad 222 Necessity for increased temporal power. Alliance with Lorenzo . . 223 The custody of Sultan Jem. Fall of Granada, 1492 .... 224 Election of Alexander VI, 1492 225 Simoniacal practices. Character of Alexander . . . 226 Troubles with Franceschetto Cibo, the Orsiiii, and Naples. Alliance with Milan and Venice. The Pope inclines to Naples .... 227 Death of Ferrante of Naples. French designs on Naples. Flight of Cardinal della Rovere. Schemes of Charles VIII .... 228 Alexander sides with Naples ; approaches the Turk .... 229 French advance. Alexander decides to remain .... 230 Negotiations and agreement with Charles V1I1 at Rome. Death of Jem' Flight of Alfonso 231 League against France. Retreat of Charles VIII ... 232 Alexander at war with the Orsini, 1496-7. The Duke of Gandia ! 233 Divorce of Lucrezia. Death of Duke of Gandia, 1497 '. 234 Proposals of reform. Cesare to the front. Change of policy . ! ! 235