Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/735

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Bibliography. 699 Prescott, W. H. History of the Conquest of Peru. London. 1847. Quintana, M. J. Lives of Balboa and Pizarro. Engl. trans, by Mrs Hodson. Edinburgh. 1832. Reynoso, A. Agriculture de los Indigenas de Cuba y Haiti. 1881. Rio Branco, Baron de. Esquisse de 1'Histoire du Bresil. Paris. 1889. Roa Barcena, J. M. Historia Anecdotica de Mexico. Mexico. 1862. Robertson, W. Historical Disquisition concerning the Knowledge which the Ancients had of India. London. 1791. History of America. London. 1777-96. Santarem, M. F., Visconde de. Essai sur 1'Histoire de la Cosmographie. Paris. 1849-52. Recherches sur Vespuce et ses Voyages. Paris. 1842. Sapper, C. Das nordliche Mittel-Amerika. Brunswick. 1897. Scherer, H. Allgemeine Geschichtc des Welthandels. Leipzig. 1852. Schoolcraft, H. R. Archives of Aboriginal Knowledge. Philadelphia. 1860. Shaler, N. S. Nature and Man in America. Cambridge, Mass. 1892. Southey, R. History of Brazil. London. 1810. Souza Holstein, Marquez de. A Escola de Sagres. Lisbon. 1877. Squier, E. G. Peru : Incidents of Travel and Exploration. London. 1877. Squier, E. G. and Davis, E. H. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley. New York. 1848. Steffen, M. Die Landwirthschaft bei den altamerikanischen Kulturvolkern. Leipzig. 1883. Stephens, H. M. The Story of Portugal. Story of the Nations Series. 1891. St Martin, Vivien de. Histoire de la Geographic. Paris. 1873. Tschudi, J. J. von. Organismus der Khetschua-Sprache. Leipzig. 1884. (And other works.) Tylor, E. B. Anahuac. London. 1861. (And other works.) Uzielli, G. La Vita e i Tempi di P. dal P. Toscauelli. Rome. 1894. Varnhagen, F. A. de. Historia General do Brazil. Madrid. 1854-7. Amerigo Vespucci. Lima. 1865. Winsor, J. Narrative and Critical History of America. 8 vols. London and Cam- bridge, Mass. 1886-9.