Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/831

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Chronological Table. 795 1474 Isabel, Queen of Castile. The Swiss support revolt of Charles' Alsatian vassals and invade Franche Comte. Alexander Hegius at Deventer School. 1475 English invasion of France. Treaty of Pecquigny. Charles the Bold annexes Lorraine. 1476 Defeat of Charles the Bold near Granson. Defeat of Charles at Morat. Rudolph Agricola at Ferrara. George Hermonymus in Paris. 1477 Defeat and death of Charles the Bold at Nancy. Marriage of Mary of Burgundy and Maximilian. Peace of Olmutz. Moravia, Silesia, and Lusatia ceded to Matthias Corvinus. Hanseatic factory of Novgorod reduced by Ivan, Czar of Russia. The Groote Privilegie granted by Mary of Burgundy. 1478 Council of Seville. Establishment of Inquisition in Castile. Intercursus between England and the Netherlands. 1479 Peace of Constantinople. End of Venetian war. Rout of Turks at Kenyermezo (Transylvania). Ferdinand inherits Aragon. Maximilian defeats Louis XI at Guinegaste. Council of Coblenz. Grievances of German clergy against Holy See. 1480 Turkish seizure of Otranto. Ludovico Sforza seizes government of Milan. Maximilian in possession of Luxemburg. 1481 Death of Mohammad II. Angevin dominions (except Lorraine) pass to Crown of Franco. Maximilian obtains Gelders. Freiburg and Solothurn join Swiss Confederation. Venetian attack on Ferrara. 1482 Peace of Arras. Duchy of Burgundy incorporated in French kingdom. Torquemada Grand Inquisitor in Spain. Marsilio Ficino's Latin translation of Plato printed. 1483 Death of Louis XI of France and accession of Charles VIII. Maximilian accepts peace of Arras. His campaign against Utrecht. Mendoza Archbishop of Toledo. Inquisition extended to Aragon. 1484 Estates of Tours. Election of Pope Innocent VIII. Peace of Bagnolo ends War of Ferrara. Berthold of Henneberg Elector of Mainz. 1485 Matthias Corvinus takes Vienna and annexes Lower Austria. Berthold of Mainz proposes Establishment of the Landfriede. Diet of Kuttenberg. Battle of Bosworth. Accession of Henry VII, who marries Elizabeth of York. 1485-9 Linacre, Grocyn, and W. Latimer go to Italy. 1486 Cape of Good Hope circumnavigated by Bartolommeo Diaz. Maximilian elected King of the Romans. Frederick the Wise Elector of Saxony. Linacre and Grocyn in Italy. 1487 Swabian League founded. 1488 Maximilian in captivity at Bruges. Duke Albert of Saxony Governor-General in the Netherlands.