Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/835

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799 INDEX. Abd-ur'rahman Adahil, 12 Aoulhuaque, the ("Strong Men"), 38 Acufia, Alonso de, Bishop of Zamora, 374 Adil Khan, 31 Adrian VI, Pope (Adrian of Utrecht), 94, 368, 372 sqq., 436, 678, 682, 691 Aeneas Sylvius, see Pius II, Pope Affonso V, King of Portugal, 16, 19, 21 Agnadello, battle of, 132, 246 Agricola, Rudolf, 436, 572, 634 Aides, 405 Alain le Grand, Duke of Britanny, 397 Albania, 71, 80 Albany, Alexander, Duke of, 484 Albany, John, Duke of, 484, 488 Albert (John I Albert), King of Poland, 336 Albert II, Roman King, 294, 687 Albert IV, Duke of Bavaria-Munich, 296 sqq. Alberti, Leo Battista, 559 Albertini, Francesco, 549 Albizzi, Luca d', 169 Albizzi, Giovanna d', 176 Albornoz, Cardinal, 237 Albret, Henri d', 378 Albret, Jean d', 366 sqq. Albuquerque, Affonso de, 31 Alcala, University of, 380 Alcantara, Order of, 11 Alcuin, 535 Aleander, papal nuncio, 678, 686, 690 Alessandria, fall of, 121 Alexander I, King of Poland, 345 Alexander VI, Pope (Rodrigo Borgia), 105, 110, 124, 149, 167 sqq., 195, 225-41, 620, chap, xix, passim Alexius III, Emperor of the East, 255 Alfonso, Duke of Ferrara, 248 sqq. Alfonso I, King of Naples, 105 sqq., 123, 560 Alfonso H, King of Naples, 23 i Algonquins, the, 38, 44 Alidosi, Cardinal, 136, 249 Allegre, Yves d', 117, 122 sqq. Almeida, Francisco de, 31 Alopa, Lorenzo, 561 Alva, Duke of, 480 Alviano, Bartolommeo d', 197 Amboise, Cardinal Georges d', 388, 415 Ambrogini, Angelo: see Politiau America, discovery of, 7, 35, 518; English ideas on, 50; the Catholic Church in, 60 sq. Ammirato Scipione, 200 Ancona, 79 Angelico, Fra, 168 Angus, Archibald Douglas, Earl of, 485 "Animal Mounds" in America, 38 Anjou, Charles, Duke of, 396 Anne de Candale, Queen of Hungary, 336 Anne (Duchess of Britanny), Queen of France, 111, 302, 395, 450, 467, 483 Anne of Beaujeu, 397, 445 Annone, capture of, 121 "Antarctic France," 48 Antella, Lamberto della, 175 "Antilha," the search for, 20 Antilles, the four greater, 40 sq. Antwerp, commercial rise of, 429, 507-10 Apocryphal literature, 613 Apologists : the Greek, 615 ; the Latin, 617 "Apostolic Fathers," the, 614 Apu-Capac-Incas, 45 Aquinas, St Thomas, 627 Aquitaine, Charles, Duke of, 389 Arabia, 28 Aragon, institutions of, 351 Arbues, St Peter, 359 Aremberg, William of, see Marck, William de la Areniti, Constantin, 133 "Argentine Sea," the, 38, 44 Argyropoulos, John, 543 Armagnac, Jean d', 396, 415 Armagnac, Louis d', 124 Armagnacs, the, 293, 396 Aron, Peter, 83 Arrabbiati, the, 169, 170, 174 Arras, treaty of (1435), 389 sqq., 423; peace of (1482), 229, 445 Ars, Louis d', 125 Artois, cession of, by France, 229 Ascham, Roger, 580 Asparros, Andre de Foix d', 378 Athens, duchy of, 74 Aubigny, Stuart d', 155 Aubusson, Peter d', 84, 86 Audley, Edmund, Bishop of Salisbury, 597 Augsburg, 299 i Piet of (1500), 308, (1510), 319