Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/842

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806 Index. Juana I, Queen of Naples, 108 Juana II, Queen of Naples, 108 Juana, Queen of Spain, 362-4, 368, 373, 379, 453, 455, 475 sqq. Julius II, Pope (Giuliano della Bovere), 128 sqq., 195 sqq., 242 sqq., 268, 319, 366, 388, 479, 491, 548, 620, 655 sqq., 665 sqq., 690 Justicia, the (in Aragon), 351 Kabeljaauws, the, 419, 420, 423, 445 Kaisersberg, Geiler von, 683 Kammermeister, Joachim : see Camerarius Kansuh Ghuri, 91 Kasimir IV, King of Poland, 345 Katharine of Aragon, Queen of England, 466, 476, 478, 482 Kempis, Thomas a, his Imitation of Christ, 625, 628 Kennemer, the, 420 Kharaj (capitation-tax), 102 Kildare, Gerald, Earl of, 468, 470, 472 Kinizsi, Paul, 335, 337 Kismet, 100 Knyvet, Sir Thomas, 480 Konstantinovic, Michael, 72, 73 Kopidlansky, the Vladyk, 338 Kroja, fall of, 80 Kuttenberg, Diet of, 340 Labatlan, Gregory, 343 Laetus, Julius Pomponius, 560 Lagos, 13 LaMer, Jean, 681 Laiot, Prince of Wallachia, 83 Lake pueblos, 39, 42 La Marche, Olivier de, 430, 443, 446 Lambinus (Denys Lambin), 577 Landfriede, see Peace, the Public Landino, Cristoforo, 559 Landois, execution of, 393 Landriani, Gherardo, 550 Landriano, 121 Landshut Succession War, 315 Landskncchte, the, 325 Landucci, Luca, 153, 169, 176, 188 Lang, Matthaeus, Cardinal, 184, 323 sq. Langen, lludolf von, 634 Langlois, Jean, 681 Lanzarote, 13, 14 La Palice, 133, 137 Lascaris, John, 543, 563, 566, 575 Lateran Council: (732), 267; (1512), 136, 137, 249, 67B, 680, 690; (1517), 489 Latin Fathers, the, 616 Latin Scholarship, 536, 543-5 La Tremouille, Louis de, 394 Laudonniere, Eerie", 55 Leagues and Unions, German, 292 Learning, Revival of, chaps, xvi, xvn, passim Lebrija, see Nebrija Lebrixa, Antonio (Nebrissensis), 578 Leclercq, Arnoul, 449, 450 Lee, Edward, Archbp of York, 682 Lefevre d'Etaples, Jacques, 614, 840, 681 Lefevre de Saint-llemy, Jacques, 433 Leghorn, 172 Leo X, Pope (Giovanni de 1 Medici), 32, 92, 139, 153, 249, 323, 388, 489, 545, 548, 550, 565, 621, 661, 665, 670, 678, 690 Leon, Ponce de, 54 Leopold III, Archduke of Austria, 264, 342 Lescun, Thomas de, Comte de Comminges (Marshal de Foix), 393 Le Verger, peace of, 394 Lichtenbergers, the, 423 Liechtenstein, G. von, 324 Liege, destruction of, 389, 421 sq. Lille, treaty of (1513), 483 Lilly, William, 580, 582 Limburg, 419 Linacre, Thomas, 679, 582, 643 Lincoln, Earl of (John de la Pole), 465, 467 Lindau, Diet of (1496), 306 Linz, 314 Lippomannus, AloysiuB, 610 Lipsius, Justus (Joest Lips), 579 L'Isle Adam, Villiers de, 94 Lockhorsts, the, 423 Lodi, peace of (1454), 281 Logrono, siege of, 378 London, trade of, with Venice, 257 Longueville, Duke of (Louis d'Orleans), 481 Lords Appellant, the, 301 Lords Ordainers, the, 301 Loredano, Antonio, Admiral, 80, 87 Lotharingia, 418 Louis I (the Great), King of Hungary and Poland, 264, 342 Louis II, King of Hungary and Bohemia, 93, 95, 96, 331, 337 sqq. Louis III, Duke of Anjou, 108 Louis VI (the Fat), King of France, 384 Louis IX (St Louis), King of France, 12 Louis XI, King of France, 107 sqq., 301, 335, 362, chap, xn, passim, 437 sqq., 463, 663 Louis XII, King of France, 108, 115, 188 sqq., 190 sqq., 236, 248, 306 sqq., 336, 344, 363, chap, xn, passim, 458, 485 Louvain, University of, 419, 436 Lovel, Viscount, 465 Loyola, St Ignatius, 651; his Spiritual Exercises, 625 Lubeck, 299 Lucca, 113 Lucero, 360 Ludovico " il Moro," 156, 171 sqq., 191 Luna, Alvaro de, 354 Lusatia, 331 Luther, Martin, 322, 340, 437, 638, 684 Luxemburg, 421 Luxemburg, Charles, Duke of, 454 Lyons, silk trade at, 414 Lyra, Nicholas de, 591 Machiavelli, Niccold, 87, 170, chap, vi, passim, 237, 240, 242, 298, 516