Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/844

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808 Index. Musurus, Marcus, 562, 566 Mutianus, Conrad, 435 Nadasdi, Th., 340 Nagera, Duke of, 365, 378 Naharro, Torres de, 380 Nahuatlaca (Mexicans), 38, 39, 43 Naldi, Dionigi di, 132 Namur, 419 Nancy, battle of, 391 Naples, 105 sqq., 126; conquest of (1501), 124, 239; Academy of, 560 Nardi, Jacopo, 200 Narentine pirates, the, 254 Narvaez, Pamphilo de, 54 Nassau, Count Adolf of, 443 Nassau, Count Engelbert of, 449, 452 Navagero, Andrea, 567 Navarra, Pedro, Count of, 125, 137, 140, 365 sq. Navarre, 366, 367, 378 Nebrija, Antonio de, 379 Nebrija, Francisca de, 379 Negroponte, faU of, 79, 286 Nemours, Jacques de, 397, 415 Nerli, Jacopo, 149, 154 Nero, Bernardo del, 154, 173 sqq. Netherlands, the, 293, 303, chap, xm, passim; spiritual movements in, 626; their relations with England, 452 Neuburg, 315 Neuss, siege of, 295, 390 Newfoundland, Banks of, 414 "New France," 43 New Learning, the, chap, xvi, passim ; the influence of, 679 "New Spain," 42 New World, the, chap, n, passim Niccoli, Niccolo de 1 , 551 Niccolini, Agnolo, 185 Nicholas of Calabria, 396 Nicholas of Cusa: see Cusanus, Cardinal Nicholas of Treves, 550 Nicholas V, Pope (Tommaso Parentncelli), 76, 78, 546, 552, 594, 679; his library, 595 Nieszava, Statute of, 345 "Nile, the Western," 14 Nola, Antonio de, 15 Norfolk, Thomas Howard, Duke of, 482 Normandy, Charles, Duke of, 389, 390, 393 North America, 44 North-west passage, the, 63 Novara, sieges of, 117, 139 Novi, Paolo da, 129, 130 Noyon, treaty of, 247, 369, 487 Nueva, Joao de, 29 Nunez, Fernando de Guzman : see Pin ti anus Niirnberg, 299 ; Diets of (1491) 302, (1501) 311 " Old League," the Swiss, 295 Olmiitz, peace of (1477), 331, 335 Omar Pasha, 79 Oran, conquest of, 365 Orchan, Ottoman Sultan, 67, 99 Orders, religious, in America, 62 Orleans, Louis, Duke of: see Louis XII, King of France Orleans, Louis, first Duke of, 108 Ormond, Sir James, 470 Orseolo, Pietro H, Doge of Venice, 271 Orsini, Cardinal, 240 Orsini, Paolo, 153 Orsini, Pitigliano, 114, 117 Orsini, the, 114, 126, 227; war of Alex- ander VI with, 233 sq. Orsini, Virginio, 110, 115, 117, 227 Osma, Pedro de, 680 Ostia, reduction of (1497), 233 Othman, Ottoman Sultan, 99 Otranto, capture of, 81, 286, 666 Otto the Great, Emperor of Germany, 536 Ottoman Conquest, the, chap, in, passim; constitution, 98 Ottomans, the, at war with Venice, 272, 286 Ovando, Don Nicholas, 41 Oxford, New Learning at, 580 ; Provisions of, 301 Pace, Dr Kichard, 643 Pacheco, Duarte, "the Portuguese Achilles," 30 Padilla, Juan de, 372-5 Padua, siege of (1500) 133, (1509) 246; capture of (1404), 266 Palatinate, the young (die Junge Pfalz), 315 Paleologus, Demetrius, 74, 75 Paleologus, John, Emperor of the East, 258 Paleologus, Thomas, 74, 75 Palmieri, Matteo, 596 Pamplona, surrender of, 366 Pandolfini, Angelo, 147 Parenti, Piero, 169, 183, 187 Parentucelli, Tommaso: see Nicholas V, Pope Paris, Matthew, 537 Paris, University of, 635, 636 Parlamento, the, at Florence> 162 Parlement, the, of Paris, 401, 402 Parma, 121, 251 Pashek, John, 338 Paston Letters, the, 492 Patagonia, 36 Paul II, Pope (Pietro Barbo), 71, 80, 560, 623-4, 655, 666 Paul V, Pope (Camillo Borghese), 270 Pazzi, conspiracy of the, 661 Peace, the Public (Landfriede), 293, 294, 302 sqq. "Pearl," the, 98 Peasants' War, the, in the Netherlands, 450 Pelagius II, Pope, 267 Per^nyi, Emericus, 336 Pevnstein, William of, 338 Perouue, treaty of, 440