Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 1.djvu/848

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812 Index. Titian, 284 Titicaca, Lake, 45 Tlatohuani (Motecuhzoma), 41, 42 Tlaxcallan, 41, 42 Tlaxcaltecs, the, 42 Tocoo, 81 Tolteos, the, 40 Tomasevi<$, Stephen, 72 Tomory, Paul, Archbishop of Kalocsa, 96, 97, 339 Tornabuoni, Lorenzo, 175, 176 Toro, battle of, 352 T6r6k, Valentine, 340 Torquemada, Thomas de, Grand Inquisitor, 359, 360 Torresano, Andrea, 284 Tortona, occupation of, 121 Toscanelli, Paul del Pozzo, 19, 20 Tournay, surrender of, 483 Tours, silk trade of, 414; synod at, 135 Traversari, Ambrogio, 586, 601 Trebizond, fall of, 78; surrender of, to the Turks, 285 Treitzsaurwein, Max, 326 Tre"mouille, Louis de la, 116, 122, 126, 139 Trent, Council of, 235, 652, 691 Trier, Diet of (1512), 320 sq. Tristam, Nuno, 13 Trithemius (von Trittenheim), Johann, 611 Trivulzio, Gian Giacomo, 114, 121 sqq., 135 sqq., 198, 249 Tudors, the early, chap, xiv, passim Tumanbeg, 91 Tupi-Guarani, the, 38, 44, 59 Turcomans, the, 82 Turin, peace of (1381), 264 Turks, the: set Ottomans Turnebus (Adrien Turnebe), 676 Tiiroczi, Benedictus, 343 Turriani, Giovacchino, General of Domini- cans, 183 Tyre, siege and capture of (1123), 254 Tyrol, 296 Ujlaky, Lawrence, 836, 337 Ulrich, Duke of Wiirtemberg, 321, 322 Urbino, see Montefeltro Utrecht, 423, 428; siege of (1484), 445 Valencia, in Middle Ages, 352; the Ger- mania of, 376 sq. Valenza, 121 Valeriano, Giampetro, the De Litcratorum Infelicia of, 567 Valla, Lorenzo, 545, 546, 602, 664 Valori, Francesco, 169, 170 sqq., 181, 183 Vanities, Burning of the, 167, 650 Vatican Library, the, 595 Velasquez, Diego, 41 Venice, 68, 79-81, 87, 118, 130, 134, 246, chap. YIII, passim; Aldine Press at, 562; League of (1494), 362 ; manufacture of glass and silk at, 496, 512 ; trade of, in fourteenth century, 494 Verboczy, Stephen, 337, 339 Vergerius, Pietro Paolo (the elder), 556 Vergil, Polydore, 489 Verino, 188 Verona and Maximilian I, 487 Veronese, Paolo, 284 Verrazzano, Giovanni da, 36, 43, 44 Vesc, 6tienne de, 109 Vespasiano da Bisticci, 552, 553 Vespucci, Americo, 24, 34, 35, 57 Vespucci, Guidantonio, 169, 176, 222 Vetkoopert, the, 421 Vicente, Gil, 380 Vicenza, Biege of, 266 Victorius, Petrus (Pietro Vettori), 200, 567 Vida, Marco, 564 Vienna, 314; "Congress" of, 344; siege of, 97 sq. ; Hungarians expelled from, 296; University of, 325 Vigarny, Philip de, 382 Vilain, Adrian, 447 Villalar, Comuneros routed at, 375 Villegagnon (Nicolas Durand), 48, 49 Villeroy (French ambassador), 489 Villon, Franpois, 415 "Vineland," 19 sqq., 33, 50 Vischer, Peter, 326 Visconti, Filippo Maria, Duke of Milan, 278 sqq. Visconti, Gian Galeazzo, Duke of Milan, 108, 265, 266 Visconti, Valeutina, Duchess of Orleans, 108, 281 Vitelli, Paolo, 192 Vitelli, Vitellozzo, 193, 195, 673 Vitovt, Prince of Lithuania, 345 Vitrier, Jean, 681 Vittorino da Feltre, 556, 557 Vivarini, the, 284 Vives, Luis, 379 Vlad IV, prince of Wallachia, 82, 83 Vladyks, the, 334 Vukcic', Stephen, 71, 72 Waldorfer (printer), 284 Waldseemiiller, Martin, 35 Wallachia, 82, 83 Walter (a Water), John, 470, 473 Warbeck, Perkin, 468-70, 473 Warham, William, Archbishop of Canter- bury, 491, 644 Waroux, the, 422 Warwick, Edward Plantagenet, Earl of, 473 Warwick, Richard Nevill, Earl of (the "King-maker"), 464 Wasiliei (Ivanovic), Czar of Russia, 343 Wels, 322 Welsers, the, of Augsburg, 506, 507, 518 Wenceslas, Duke of Luxemburg, 419, 421 Wenceslas, King of the Eomans, 105, 292, 294, 421 Wessel, John, 437, 460, 636, 680 West, Nicholas, Bishop of Ely, 482 "Western Nile," 14