Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 2.djvu/868

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830 Chronological Table.

Charles V in Spain. 

The Knights' War in Germany. Conquest of Mexico completed. Capitulation of Rhodes to the Turks (December).

First public disputation at Zurich. 

Flight of Christian II from Denmark. Rule of Frederick I (of Holstein) in Denmark and Norway. Gustavus Vasa King in Sweden. Defection of the Constable of Bourbon. Bonnivet in Italy. Suffolk and van Buren in Picardy. Death of Adrian VI (September 14). Election of Giulio de' Medici as Clement VII.

Retreat of Bonnivet. 

Albany leaves Scotland for the last time. Beginnings of the Peasants' Rising in Germany (June). Invasion of France. Siege of Marseilles. Francis crosses the Alps. Foundation of the Theatine Order.

Battle of Pavia (February 24). 

Treaties of the Moor (August). Conspiracy of Girolamo Morone. Prussia becomes a secular duchy.

Treaty of Madrid (Januaiy). 

Marriage of Charles V with Isabella of PortngaL League of Cognac (May). Diet and Recess of Speier. Battle of Mohacs (August). Raid of the Colonna on Rome (September). Ferdinand elected King of Bohemia and of Hungary. The Reformation begins in Denmark.

AUiance of Henry VIII and Francis I. 

Sack of Rome (May 6). Diet of Vesteras in Sweden. Vesteras Recess. Invasion of Italy by Lautrec.

France and England declare war on the Emperor (January). 

Siege of Naples by Lautrec. Defection of Andrea Doria. Campeggio in England.

Diet of Speier. The "Protest." 

Execution of Berquin. Civil War in Switzerland. First Peace of KappeL Treaty of Barcelona (June 29). Charles V in Italy. Peace of Cambray (August 6). Siege of Vienna by the Turks. Conference of Marburg. Fall of Wolsey.

Conference at Bologna (Charles V and Clement VII), 

Last imperial coronation by the Pope. Charles V in Germany. Diet of Augsburg. Confession of Augsburg. Capture of Florence (August). Revolt against the Bishop at Geneva. Death of Margaret of Savoy (December)