Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 7.djvu/858

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826 Economic Development. Eighty Years' Progress in the United States. Hartford. 1867. McGregor, J. Commercial Statistics of America, printed separately from the general Work entitled Progress of America. London. 1847. Pitkin, T. Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States. 2nd ed. New Haven. 1835 (1st ed. 1817). Seybert, A. Statistical Annals. Philadelphia. 1818. Periodicals. American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge. 33 vols. Boston. 1830 to 1863. De Bow's Review. 40 vols. New Orleans. 1846-70. Hunf s Merchant's Magazine and Commercial Review. 63 vols. New York. 1840- 1870. Nile's Weekly Register and Nile's National Register. 73 vols. Baltimore. 1811-48. (The general histories should also be consulted, especially Henry Adams, History of the United States during the Administrations of Jefferson and Madison (vol. i, cap. 1 : and vol. ix, cap. 7). J. B. McMaster, History of the People of the United States (caps. 7, 12, 16, 19, 22, 31, 33, 36, 37, 43-46), and J. F. Rhodes, History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850, vol. in, cap. 12. (B) MOVEMENT OF POPULATION AND PUBLIC LAND POLICY. Chittenden, H. M. The American Fur Trade of the Far West. 3 vols. New York. 1902. Donaldson, T. The Public Domain. 46th Congress. 3rd Session, H. Doc. 47. Pt. iv. Washington. 1881. Hart, A. B. The Public Land Policy of the United States, in " Practical Essays in American Government" New York. 1893. Roosevelt, Th. The Winning of the West. 4 vols. New York. 1889-96. Sato, S. History of the Land Question in the United States. Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies ; ser. 4, Nos. 7-9. Baltimore. 1886. Turner, F. J. The Significance of the Frontier in American History. Washington. 1894. (Annual Report of the American Historical Association for 1893.) United States Census. Volumes on Population, each decade. See especially Maps in the Eleventh Census (1890). Population. Vol. i, pp. xvm-xxviii. (C) THE TARIFF. Adams, H. C. Taxation in the United States, 1789-1816. Johns Hopkins University Studies ; ser. 2, Nos. 5 and 6. Baltimore. 1884. Fisk, G. M. Die Handelspolitik der Vereinigten Staaten, 1890-1900. Leipzig. 1900. (Schriften des Vereins fur Socialpolitik, vol. LXXX.) Mayo-Smith, R. and Seligman, E. R. A. The Commercial Policy of the United States, 1860-90. Leipzig. 1892. (Schriften des Vereins fur Socialpolitik, VOl. XLIX.) Rabbeno, Ugo. II Protectionismo Americano. Milan. 1892. Translation : American Commercial Policy. London. 1895. Sumner, W. G. Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States. New York. 1877. Taussig, F. W. Tariff History of the United States. New York. 1888. 4th ed. revised, 1898. (editor). State Papers and Speeches on the Tariff. Published by Harvard University. Cambridge, Mass. 1892. Young, E. Special Report on the Customs Tariff Legislation of the United States. Bureau of Statistics, Treasury Department. Washington. 1873.