Page:Cambridge Modern History Volume 7.djvu/863

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Bibliography. 831 (B) POST-REVOLUTIONARY ERA. (i) Religion and Philosophy. Charming, W. E. Works. Boston. 1886. Dial, The : A Magazine for Literature, Philosophy, and Religion. 4 vols. Boston. 1840-4. Emerson, R. W. Works. 14 vols. Boston. 1883-7. Thoreau, H. D. Works. 11 vols. Boston. 1899-1900. (ii) Literature. Atlantic Monthly, The. Boston. 1857, etc. Brown, C. B. Novels. 6 vols. Philadelphia. 1887. Bryant, W. C. Poetical Works. Edited by Parke Godwin. 2 vols. New York. 1883. Prose Writings. Edited by Godwin. 2 vols. New York. 1884. Choate, R. Works, with Memoir by S. G. Brown. 2 vols. Boston. 1862. Cooper, J. F. Novels. 32 vols. New York. 1896. Everett, E. Orations and Speeches on Various Occasions. 4 vols. Boston. 1853-68. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Works. 15 vols. Boston. 1882-4. Holmes, O. W. Works. 15 vols. Boston. 1892-6. Irving, Washington. Works. 40 vols. New York. 1891-7. Knickerbocker, The, or New York Monthly Magazine. 60 vola. New York. 1833-62. Knickerbocker Gallery, The : A Testimonial to the Editor of the Knickerbocker Magazine from its Contributors. New York. 1855. Longfellow, H. W. Works. 14 vols. Boston. 1886-91. Lowell, J. R. Works. 11 vols. Boston. 1892. Letters. Edited by C. E. Norton. 2 vols. New York. 1894. Motley, J. L. Works. 17 vols. New York. 1900. Parker, Theodore. Works. Edited by F. P. Cobbe. 12 vols. London. 1863-5. Parkman, F. Works. 12 vols. Boston. 1900-1. Phillips, Wendell. Speeches, Lectures, and Letters. 2 vols. Boston. 1863, 1892. Poe, E. A. Works. Edited by E. C. Stedman and G. E. Woodberry. 10 vols. Chicago. 1894-5. Prescott, W. H. Works. Edited by J. F. Kirk. 12 vols. Philadelphia. 1890-2. Stowe, H. B. Works. 16 vols. Boston. 1896-8. Sumner, C. Works. 15 vols. Boston. 1874-83. Ticknor, G. History of Spanish Literature. 3 vols. New York. 1849. Trumbull, J. Poetical Works. 2 vols. Hartford. 1820. Webster, Daniel. Works. 6 vols. Boston. 1851. 18 vols. Boston. 1904, etc. Whitman, Walt. Complete Prose Works. Boston. 1898. Leaves of Grass. Boston. 1898. Whittier, J. G. Works. 9 vols. Boston. 1892-4. (iii) Education. Barnard, H. The American Journal of Education. 31 vols. Hartford. 1855-81. Reports of the Commissioner of Education. Vols. i and n. Washington. 1867, 1870