Page:Camera Work No. 1 (January 1903).pdf/18

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THOUGH the literary contributions will be the best of their kind procurable, it is not intended to make this a photographic primer, but rather a magazine for the more advanced photographer. "CAMERA WORK" owes allegiance to no organization or clique, and though it is the mouthpiece of the Photo-Secession that fact will not be allowed to hamper its independence in the slightest degree.

AN undertaking of this kind, begun with the sole purpose of furthering the "Cause"? and with the intention of devoting all profits to the enlargement of the magazine's beauty and scope is dependent for its success upon the sympathy and coéperation, moral and financial, of its friends. And it is mainly upon you that the life of this magazine hangs. The many. subscribers who have responded to our advance notice have encouraged us to believe that the future of the publication is assured beyond question; but we can not express too strongly the hope that you will continue your good offices in our behalf.

WITHOUT making further pledges we present the first number of "Camera Work," allowing it to speak for itself.

Alfred Stieglitz

Joseph T. Keiley
Dallett Fuguet
John Francis Strauss

Associate Editors.


ALL shadows once were free;
But wingless now are we,
And doomed henceforth to be
In Light's Captivity.
John B. Tabb.