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- Memorandum of British Admiralty on risk of invasion, 141–4
- Merchant ships, statistics of British and German, 25; reported to carry armaments, 26
- Militia, British, number of, 64; Reserve, 64
- Mobilisation, operation discussed, 97–104
- "Modern Mariner" (The Times November 1908) on invasion scare, 42 n.
- Napier, Sir Charles, quotation from his Indian Mismanagement., 11
- Napoleon I. on strategy, 5
- National Reserve, British, number of, 64
- Navy, British, strength of, 12 et seq.; personnel, 28. See also Fleet, British
- — German, strength of, 15 et seq.; personnel, 28. See also Fleet, German
- Nicholson, Lieut.-General Sir William, K.C.B., on surprise invasion of England, 49, 50; on security of England from invasion, 52
- Non-combatants, statistics regarding, 72; their duties, 73 Norfolk Royal Commission, 38, 49 et seq., 77
- Norris, Admiral Sir John, plan for frustrating invasion (1744), 126 n.
- North Sea, statistics of British Fleet in, 14, 16; statistics of German Fleet in, 15, 17, 62; displacement and average tonnage of British and German Fleets in, 20; broadside fire of British and German Fleets in, 21; weather conditions in, 120
- "Nucleus crew," Mr. Balfour's description of, 16
- Peace Establishment, German, 70
- Personnel of British and German Navies compared, 28
- Protected Cruisers, number on British, 12 et seq.; number of German, 15 et seq.
- Pustau, Captain von, on the British seaman, 30 n.
- Roberts, Earl, on invasion of England, 41–4, 51; on maintenance of Citizen Army, 44n.; conditions under which he presumes England will be invaded, 61, 71n.; on transport of horses by sea, 100
- Royal Commission on the risk of invasion, 38, 49 et seq., 77
- — Marines, British, number of, 64
- Sailing vessels, British use of, in over-sea expeditions, 86 n.
- Sailors, statistics of, British and German Navies, 28