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Page:Can Germany Invade England?.djvu/30

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The following table sets forth the total strength of the Navies of Great Britain and Germany:


Comparative strength of the two Navies (omitting Battleships and Armoured Cruisers over 20 years old).
Great Britain Germany
Battleships 55 60 Battleships 33 55
Battle Cruisers 5 Battle Cruisers 2
Armoured Cruisers 34 Armoured Cruisers 9
Protected Cruisers I. 18 72 Protected Cruisers I. 0 37
II. 38 II. 26
III. 16 III. 11
Unprotected Cruisers 5 Unprotected Cruisers 6
Scouts 8 387 Destroyers 109 202
Torpedo Vessels 26 Torpedo Boats 80
Destroyers 179 Submarines 13
Torpedo Boats 109  
Submarines 109  
Grand total 558 Grand total 289

There are some battleships over twenty years old still appearing in England's and Germany's Naval Lists ; and in these so-called obsolete vessels Great Britain is also much stronger than Germany.[1]

  1. Lord Brassey, at page 8 of The Naval Annual for 1912, writes: "It has been a wise policy, largely due to the initiative of Lord Fisher, to put out of the dockyards vessels