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Page:Can Germany Invade England?.djvu/43

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I have now shown: (1) That England has in her Home and Atlantic Fleets 51 line-of-battleships against Germany's 27 in the Baltic and North Sea; 66 cruisers as against 8, and 165 destroyers as against 36, besides having a very serviceable active fleet in the Mediterranean. (2) That the superiority of the broadside fire of the British line-of-battleships to the broadside fire of the German line is about 3 to 2, and the superiority of her active-service personnel is over 2 to i. (3) That the strategical position with which Nature has endowed her has been taken such full advantage of since 1906 that, in case of war breaking out between the two countries, not a single German man-of-war, not a single German merchant ship, not a single German fishing-

    approaching brutality— all of them characteristics which may very often bring decisive victory in naval warfare, as surely as the best military discipline and training."— German View of the British Seaman, see The Navy for October 1911, p. 268.