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Page:Can Germany Invade England?.djvu/87

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tools and hospital wagons. In their dark dreams the enemy is to live on the country, carry his commandeered food and forage in carts provided and horsed by the inhabitants, and either use our hospital wagons and hospitals, or have no sick and wounded to impede their triumphant advance, all the casualties being, presumably, on our side.

Listen again to General von Schellendorfif. Treating of the possibility of equipping men with horses in an enemy's country, he writes: " Few remounts for the combatant branches are obtainable "[1]; and of food and forage: " As, moreover, all such supplies, both as regards quantity and quality, must always be of a doubtful character, any organisation intended to maintain the efficiency of Armies in the field must depend on communications with home being properly maintained."[2]

  1. Duties of the General Staff, p. 528.
  2. Ibid. pp. 528, 529.