IX. I would point out that the Exhibitions to Artisans may perhaps be increased to £50 for the year, by connecting them with the Science and Art Department, under the Minute of the 21st December 1867.
Manchester, 4th May, 1868.
At Whitehall, the 27th day of Match, 1868.
By the Right Honourable the Lords of the Committee of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council on Education.
My Lords consider Mr. Whitworth's letter to the First Lord of the Treasury, dated 18th March 1868. In this letter Mr. Whitworth offers to found thirty scholarships of the annual value of one hundred pounds each, to be applied for the further instruction of young men, natives of the United Kingdom, selected by open competition for their intelligence and proficiency in the theory and practice of Mechanics and its cognate sciences, with a view to the promotion of Engineering and Mechanical Industry in this country; and he expresses hopes that means may be found for bringing Science and Industry into closer relation with each other than at present obtains here.
It is unnecessary now to repeat the thanks which the First Lord of Her Majesty's Treasury and the Lord President of the Council have already conveyed to Mr. Whitworth for his generous offer which they are convinced the country will fully appreciate.
Mr. Whitworth proposes that these scholars?hipsshould be tenable on conditions to be deemed by a deed of trust regulating the administration of the endowment fund during his life, and that thereafter the management of this fund, subject to the conditions specified therein, should rest in the Lord President of the Council or other Minister of Public Instruction for the time being.
It is the wish of My Lords to see provision made in several large centres of manufacturing industry in the United Kingdom for affording to all classes of Her Majesty's subjects ample opportunities for acquiring instruction in the Sciences which are applicable to productive industry. My Lords are of opinion that by the union of local and private efforts supplemented as far as is proper by State assistance this provision will be best made.
This will be rendered easy if the munificent example set by Mr. Whitworth shall be extensively followed by others. My Lords will be happy fo receive any further suggestions from Mr. Whitworth should he desire to make them, and to be informed if the Department can render him any assistance in carrying out his liberal intentions.
Office of the Secretary of State of Canada
Ottawa, 22nd June, 1868.
His Excellency the Governor General has been pleased to make the following appointments, viz:
Etienne Parent, Esquire, William Henry Griffin, Esquire, Robert Shore Milnes Bouchette, Esquire, John Langton, Esquire, and William Smith, Esquire, Deputy Heads of Departments, and Thomas Reynolds, Esquire, of Montreal, and Charles S. Ross, Esquire, of Kingston, to be a Commission to enquire into the present state and the probable requirements of the Civil Service.
Department of the Secretary of State.
Ottawa, 26th June, 1868.
His Excellency the Governor General of Canada has been pleased make the following appointment, viz:
George Liddle of Clifton, in the Province of Ontario, Gentleman,?to be a Surveyor in Her Majesty's Customs.
Militia General Orders.
Ottawa, 12th June, 1868
General Orders,
No. 1.
Ottawa Provisional Brigade Garrison Artillery.
No. 1 Battery.
To be 2nd Lieutenant, acting till further orders:
- Allan Poyntz Patrick, Gentleman, vice Gemmill, promoted.
Presco?t Provisional Brigade Garrison Artillery.
No. 3 Battery Iroquois.
To be 2nd Lieutenant, acting till further orders:
- Sergeant John McDonnell, vice Millar, promoted.
2nd Battalion "The Queen's Own Rifles," Toronto.
No. 4 Company.
- Lieutenant Albert Miller having held a Second Class Certificate af the time of his appointment, is nov confirmed in his rank from that date.
Upper Canada College Company.
To be Captain:
- George D. Dawson, Gentleman, late Lieutenant Her Majesty's 47th Regiment, vice F. C. Draper.
3rd Battalion "Victoria Volunteer Rifles," Montreal.
To be Ensigns:
- Sergeant Major John Allan, (temporary) M. S., vice Beers, promoted.
- Sergeant David O. Clare, acting till further orders, vice Beament, resigned.
- Sergeant Charles E. Torrance, (temporary), M. S., vice Clarke, transferred to G. T. Railway Brigade.
- Sergeant James S. Spiers, acting till further orders, vice Smith, promoted.
- John C. Evans, Gentleman, (temporary), M. S., vice Denholm, left the limits.
- Edward S. Blackwell, Gentleman, acting till further orders, vice Henderson, promoted.
To be Quarter-Master:
- Quarter Master Sergeant Henry H. Langley, vice King, resigned.
8th Battalion "Stadacona Rifles" Quebec.
To be Adjutant:
- Ensign and Battalion Drill Instructor William O'Neill, vice A. Jackson, who is permitted to retire retaining his rank.
11th Battalion "Argenteuil Rangers," St. Andrews.
To be Major:
- Captain S. Rogers, from No. 5 Company, Houghton, left the limits.
To be Adjutant (temporary):
- Captain Samuel Macdonald, M. S., from No. 1 Company, vice Curren, resigned.
- The resignation of Quarter Master R. A. Bethune, is hereby accepted.
No. 1. Company, Andrews.
To be Captain:
- Lieutenant H. W. Kemply, vice Macdonald, promoted.
To be Lieutenant (temporay):
- Ensign E. J. C. Abbott, M. S., vice Kemply, promoted.
14th Battalion " The Princess of Wales' Own Regt."
No. 5 Company.
To be Captain (temporary):
- Lieutenant William P. Tossell, M. S., vice Macdonald, resigned.
To be Lieutenant, (temporary):
- Sergeant James Johngon, M. S. vice Tossell, promoted.
- The resignation of Ensign R. E. Johnston, is hereby accepted.