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Page:Canada Gazette, June-December 1868.djvu/79

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Eight Hundred and Sixty-eight, and in the Thirty-first year of Our Reign.

By Command,
Secretary of State.


By His Excellency the Right Honorable Charles Stanley Viscount Monck, Baroon Monck of Ballytrammon, in the County of Wexford, in the Peerage of Ireland, and Baron Monck of Ballytrammon, in the County of Wexford, in the Peerage of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Governor General of Canada, &c., &c, &c.

To all to whom these presents shall come, or whom the same may concern—Greeting:

John A. Macdonald,
Min. of Justice.

WHEREAS by Royal Proclamation dated at Windsor Castle on the 22nd day of May, in the year of Our Lord 1867, Her Most Gracious Majesty did ordain, declare, and command, that on and after the 1st day of July, 1867, the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick should form and be one Dominion under the name of Canada;

And Whereas the Anniversary of the formation of the Dominion of Canada falls upon Wednesday, the 1st day of July next ensuing;

And Whereas it is meet and proper that the said Anniversary should be observed and kept;

Now Know Ye, that I, Charles Stanley Viscount Monck, Governor General of Canada, do hereby proclaim and appoint WEDNESDAY, the FIRST day of JULY next, as the day on which the Anniversary of the formation of the Dominion of Canada be duly celebrated. And I do hereby enjoin and call upon all Her Majesty's loving subjects throughout Canada to join in the due and proper celebration of the said Anniversary on the said FIRST day of JULY next.

Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, at the Government House, in the CITY of OTTAWA, in the said Dominion, this TWENTIETH day of JUNE, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and in the thirty-first year of Her Majesty's Reign.


By Command,
Secretary of State.

Government Notices.

Saturday, 20th of June, 1868.



ON the recommendation of the Hon. the Minister of Customs, and under and in virtue of the authority conferred by the Act passed during the recent session of the Parliament of Canada, 31st Vic. Cap. 6, intituled: "An Act respecting the Customs," His Excellency in Council has been pleased to make the following regulation:

In addition to the Warehousing Ports mentioned in the Act passed during the recent Session of the Parliament of Canada and intituled: "An Act respecting the Customs," and also in addition to the Ports named in the lists sanctioned by subsequent Orders of His Excellency in Council, passed under the authority of the said Act, the under-mentioned Ports shall be, and they are hereby included in the List of Warehousing ports in the Dominion of Canada, viz:

Province of Nova Scotia.

The Port of Maitland.

Province of New Brunswick.

The Port of Richmond.


Clerk Privy Council.


for the month of May 1868.


,Great Westcr? Railway, ................ Grand Trung hailwa¥

Pa?enger? $ 138,036 • 216,713

Maits and sund??. I

$ 15,573 P.5,200 128 1,?58 4,701 247

London and Port Stanley Railway ........... Welland Railway. .................... Northern Railway, ................... -k?ort Hope, Lindsay and Beaverton Railway and ? Peterborough Branch .., ,o ?...

1,820 1,150 14,921 3,222


$ 206,521 404,911 1,694 8,385 55,049 23,804

Total 1865.

$ 360,130


Total 1S67.



Mlles in Mllo? in opera- opera- tion. tion, 1868. 1867.

3,642 3,7?-3 10,793 ?,362 74,671 6 4,940 27,273 21,9?$

£5 25 25 ?i 97 97 56 56

Cobourg, Peterborough and Marmora Railway... 94 lh, oekville and Ottawa Railway .............. 3,511 St. Lawrenee and Ottawa Railway, ........ ?,572 Casillon and Grenvill© Railway # ............... ?tanstead» Shefford and Chambly Railway ? ......... ?t. Lawrence and lndustry Railwa¥ # .............. •New Brunswick and Canada Railway ........ 1,147 European and North Am©rican Kailway ....... 5,830 ,Nova Scotia Railway. ........ ? ......... 10,544 Total ................ I 402,360

• . . 3,773 i,496 { 3,195 385 J 12,189 a9,654 [ 75"),894

3,867 16,556 10,?3 1 i,oe9 [ 8,5? I i 4?872 l 1 i 23?118 ? 18,?6 ?:??" i,061,oe8

11,746 8?542

_No Returns. Audit Oflïc% Ottawa, ?6th June? 1868.


LANGTON, Auditor.