Page:Canada Gazette vol. LXXIII no. 11.pdf/23

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guage with a sum sufficient to pay for the translation of the same by the officers of the Senate, and the printing of 600 copies in English and 200 in French. The applicant shall also pay the Clerk of the Senate, immediately after the second reading and before the consideration of the Bill by the Committee to which it is referred a sum of $200 with the cost of printing the Act in the Statutes and lodge the receipt for the same with the Clerk of such Committee.


Form of a Bill to Amend an Act

60A. (1) In the preparation of Bills amending existing enactments the amendments shall not ordinarily be made by clauses which add or leave out words or substitute words for others, but by clauses which re-enact the section, subsection, or other minor division, as it is amended.

(2) In the text of the Bill. on the left hand page, new matter shall be indicated by such typographical means as may best suit the varying circumstances of each case, such as brackets, italics, underlining, asterisks, etc. Opposite each clause, on the right hand page, the enactments amended thereby, or so much thereof as is essential, shall be printed with the proposed changes to be made therein similarly indicated.

(3) When a clause repeals an existing section, sub-section, or other minor division of a section, that section, subsection or division, or so much thereof, as is essential, shall be printed opposite the clause.

(4) A memorandum by the draftsmen explaining briefly the reasons for each clause, shall be appended to the Bill, or distributed therewith. Whenever practicable the memorandum shall be printed on the right hand page of the Bill, in paragraphs opposite the clauses referred to and numbered correspondingly.

(5) The above rules shall also as far as practicable apply to the reprinting of Bills.

Clerk of the Senate.


Copies of the Standing Orders relative to Petitions and Private Bills as also of the Model Hills for the Incorporation Of Banks, Insurance Companies, Loan Companies. Railway Companies and Trust Companies may be had free upon application to the

Clerk of the House of Commons,


Extracts from the Standing Orders of the House of Commons respecting

Publication of Notice

95. (1) Applications to Parliament for Private Bills of any nature whatsoever shall be advertised by a notice published in the Canada Gazette; such notice shall clearly and distinctly state the nature and objects of the application, and shall be signed by or on behalf of the applicants, with the address of the party signing the same and when the application is for an Act of incorporation. the name of the proposed company shall be stated in the notice. If the work of any company (incorporated, or to be incorporated) are to be declared to be for the general advantage of Canada, such intention shall be specifically mentioned in the notice; and the applicants shall cause a copy of such notice to be sent by registered letter to the Clerk of each county or municipality which may be specially affected by the construction or operation of such works, and also to the Secretary of the Province in which such works are, or may be located. Every such notice sent by registered letter shall be mailed in time to reach its destination not later than two weeks before the consideration of the proposed Bill by the Committee to which it may be referred and proof of compliance with this requirement by the applicant shall be established by statutory declaration.

(2) In addition to this Notice in the Canada Gazette aforesaid, a similar notice shall also be published in some leading newspaper, as follows:—

A. When the application is for an Act to incorporate,—

1. A Railway or Canal Company.—In the principal city, town or village in each county or district through which the proposed railway or canal is to be constructed.

2. Telegraph or Telephone Company.—In the principal city or town in each province or territory in which the company proposes to operate.

3. A company for the construction of any works which in their construction or operation might specially affect the particular locality; or for obtaining any exclusive rights or privileges, or for doing any matter or thing which in its operation would affect the rights or property of others:—In the particular locality or localities in which the operations may be affected by the proposed Act.

4. A Banking Company; an Insurance Company; a Trust Company; a Loan Company or an Industrial Company without any exclusive powers:—In the Canada Gazette only.

B. When the application is for the purpose of amending an existing Act.—

1. For an extension of any line of railway, or of any canal; or for the construction of branches thereto:—-In the place where the head allies of the company is situated. and in the principal city, town, or village in each county or district through which such extension or branch is to be constructed.

2. For an extension of time for the construction or completion of any line of railway or of any branch or extension thereof, or of any canal, or of any telegraph or telephone line or of any other works already authorised:—At the place where the head office of the company is situated and in the principal city or town of the district affected.

3. For the continuation of a charter or for an extension of the powers of the company (when not involving the granting of any exclusive rights) or for the increase or reduction of the capital stock of any company: or for increasing or altering its bonding or other borrowing powers: or for any amendment which would in any way affect the rights or interests of the shareholders or bondholders or creditors of the company:—In the place where the head office of the company is situated or authorised to be.

C. When the application is for the purpose of obtaining for any person or existing corporation any exclusive rights or privileges or the power to do any matter or thing which in its operation would affect the rights or property of others:—In the particular locality or localities in which the business rights or property of others may be specially affected by the proposed Act.

(3) All such notices whether inserted in the Canada Gazette or in a newspaper shall be published at least once a week for a period of four consecutive weeks; and when originating in the Province of Quebec or in the Province of Manitoba shall be published in English in an English newspaper and in French in a French newspaper, and in both languages in the Canada Gazette, and if there is no newspaper in a locality where a notice is required to be given, such notice shall be given in the next