shifted from coil to coil by any form of commutator, reverser or interrupter. With regard to that part of the invention which consists in acting upon both elements of the motor simultaneously, the use of either alternating or reversed currents is within the scope of the invention although the use of reversed currents is not regarded as of much practical importance.
1. The method herein described of electrically transmitting power which consists in producing a continuonsly progressive movement of the polarities of either or both elements ( the armature or field magnet or magnets ) of a motor by developing alternating currents in independent circuits including the magnetizing coils of either or both elements, as herein set forth.
2. The combination with a motor containing separate or independent circuits on the armature or field or both, of an alternating current generator containing induced circuits connected independently to corresponding circuits in the motor whereby a rotation of the generator produces a progressive shifting of the poles of the motor, as herein described.
3. In a system for the electrical transmission of power, the combination of a motor provided with two or more; independent magnetizing coils conresponding to the motor coils and circuits connecting directly the motor and generator coils in such order that the currents developed by the generator will be passed through the corresponding motor coils and thereby produce a progressive shifting of the poles of the rotor, as herein set forth.