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circuits, of an alternating current generator having induced or generating circuits corresponding to and connected with the energizing circuits of the motor, as set forth.
8. An electro-magnetic motor having its field magnets wound with independent coils and its armature with Independent closed coils in combination with a source of alternating currents connected to the field coils and capable of progressively shifting the poles of the field magnet, as set forth.
New York, April 5th, 1888
Nikola Tesla
Signed in the presence of
Frank E Hartley
Frank B. Murphy
This is the specification referred to in the affidavit of Nikola Tesla, hereto annexed, and sworn to before me this 5th day of April 1888.
- Robt. F. Gaylord
- Notary Public (12)
- N.Y. Co.
- Notary Public (12)