The revolution of the armature of the generator between the field magnets N S obviously produces in the coils E E' alternating currents the intensity and direction of which depend upon well known laws. In the position of the coils indicated in Figure 1, the current in the coil B is practically nil, whereas the coil B' at the same time is developing its maximum current, and by the means indicated in the description of Figure 9 the circuit including this coil may also include, say, the coils C C of the motor, Figure 1a. The result, with the proper connections, would be the magnetization of the ring R, the poles being on the line N. S.
The same order of connections being observed between the coil B and the coils C' C', the latter, when traversed by a current, tend to fix the poles at right angles to the line N S of Figure 1a. It results therefore, that when the generator coils have made one-eighth of a revolution, reaching the position shown in Figure 2, both pairs of coils C and C' will be traversed by currents which act in opposition in so far as the location of the poles is concerned. The position of the poles will therefore be determined by the resultant effects of the magnetizing forces of the coils, that is to say, it will advance along the ring to a position corresponding to one-eighth of the revolution of the armature of the generator.
In Figure 3 the armature of the generator has progressed to one-fourth of a revolution. At the point indicated the current in the coil B is maximum while in B'