device is practically closed, hence there will be the greatest opposition to the passage of a current through coils N N. The alternation will therefore pass by way of branch D; at the same time, the magnetic circuit of the other induction device being broken be the position of the armature O, there will be less opposition to the current in coils M which will shunt the current from branch C.
A reversal of the current being attended by a shifting of the armatures the opposite effect is produced.
There are many other modifications of the means or methods of carrying out this invention, but it is not deemed necessary herein to specifically refer to more then those described as they involve the chief modifications of the plan. In all of these it will be observed that there is developed in one or all of the branches of a circuit from a source of alternating currents an active (as distinguished from a dead) resistance, or opposition to the currents of one sign for the purpose of diverting the currents of that sign through the other or another path, but permitting the currents of opposite sign to pass without substantial opposition.
Whether the division of the currents or waves of current of opposite sign be effected with absolute precision or not is immaterial to the invention since it will be sufficient if the waves are only partially diverted or directed, for in such case the preponderating