ting currents, which consists in dividing the path of an alternating current into branches and developing in one of said branches, either permanently or periodically, an electrical force or active resistance counter to or opposing the currents or current waves of one sign, and in the other branch a force counter to or opposing the currents or current waves of opposite sign, as set forth.
3. The method of obtaining direct from alternating currents, which consists in dividing the path of the alternating current into branches, establishing fields of force and leading the said branches through said fields of force in substantially the manner set forth, whereby electro-motive forces of opposite direction will be produced therein.
4. This combination with the branches of a divided circuit carrying alternating currents, of devices including in or connected with the said branches and capable of developing or exerting an active opposition or electro-motive force counter to the current waves of one direction or sign, as herein set forth.
New York December 16th,
- 1889.
Nikola Tesla
Signed in the presence of—
Robt. F. Gaylord
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