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Blanche B. Holt Murison

The Empire needs her patriot sons today, To rally round the Flag, that never yet Has trailed the dust, or fallen by the way; Stand at salute lest ye perchance forget

Bondage of Brotherhood, and Faith of Friends, Two golden strings that quiver on love s lute; Strike till the echoes reach earth s farthest ends, Nor let Oppression make life s music mute.

Grapple like giants with a Giant Cause, Leave to the lesser souls the lesser feud : Nor rest till peace proclaim the kindlier laws That boastful braggarts have so misconstrued.

That word ye dread ye do not read aright, Re-vision it with fearless naked eye; Blazon your banners with its meaning bright God speaks again from out of Sinai.

Go learn of love nor deem it sacrifice, Upon the altar of that love to lay The graven gods demanded as the price, The ruthless hand of Tyranny to stay.

Learn of the Larger Liberty to serve, Unmindful of the tide of praise or blame: Of disciplining ev ry traitor nerve, To stand the test to play and win the game.

There has gone forth a call from Britain s heart, Voiced in the language of a mother s need: Sons of her blood of her strong soul a part, Sons of her Empire hear and hearing, heed !

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