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Page:Canadian poems of the great war.djvu/185

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Clive Phillips-Wolley Bid you stand shoulder to shoulder, for the peace of all

God s earth. We have shared this land in common, you have proved

the Old Land s word, Now let us keep together, the homes we have won by

the sword.



ILL ye hear a cry from the Scrap Heap, ye who have

seen your men, March bright-eyed to the battle, who may not come

thence again? Know ye the spirit that sent them, heads high, a swing

in their stride To fight as they fought at Ypres, to die as McGregor

died, To stand tight-lipped in the trenches, in a blizzard of

shot and shell Or, for Canada, charge light-hearted into the vortex of


Twas the spirit of national honour, that must fight for

right and truth, Twas the call of the Mighty Mother to her proud

Canadian youth Who have laid your flag on His altar, who wreathes

your brows with fame Whilst ye still bicker and backbite to blazon the nation s


A curse on your vile commissions, that suggest and

advertise theft, While young men fight for your honour as the best of

the old things left. Will You take the crown the boys won with their

sacrificial blood

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