Arthur Stringer
Author of Pauline and Other Poems The Woman in the Rain and Other Poems, Irish Poems, etc., and numerous novels: The Silver Poppy? The Wire Tappers, Phantom Wires The Under Groove The Gun Runner, The Shadow, The Prairie Wife, The Hand of Peril; The Door of Dread, etc. born in London, Ontario, February 26th, 1874, son of Hugh Arbuthnott Stringer. Educated in local schools; and at University College, Toronto, and the University of Oxford. As poet and novelist his fame has spread widely.
EEP round her lair the dim sea growls, Gaunt through her night the old Lion prowls; Alert and lone, she scans astir The Hunters, and the Hunters, her ! They bide their time; discreet they wait About the tangled paths of hate; While toothless now and old, tis said, She whines and slumbers on her dead !
She toothless now when East and West Each Cub and Whelp of her grim breast Snarls, writhing, tumbling, drunk with life, And points its fangs on th j bones of strife; And once the old roar shakes the night The Hunters who have shunned the light And thought her silence solitude, Shall meet and know the Lion s Brood !
FROM spire and tower, in silvery tune, The chimes like birds take flight, Where that dim golden boat, the moon, Drifts slowly down the night.
Aloud, alert, alone, they cease And wake, these midnight bells,
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