��Ruth Strong
Miss Ruth Strong of Hamilton, Ontario, an undergraduate of the University of Toronto.
TOPIA Land of Content
The dreamy, golden glamour of a June morning:
Blue lilac blooms caressing the rank grass
Where dandelions riot
Glorious ere their swift decline ;
And scarlet blots against the tender green
Of waving elms,
Beside the deep, cool grey of Gothic Knox.
Picture of Artisy! Alas, the scarlet
Is the red of drilling soldiers coats
The World s at War !
FAIRY took my hand to-day
And led me to a garden.
I felt the softness of the grass
Flower perfumes spoke to me.
I gathered round, smooth apples, and as I stooped,
The sun was warm upon my back.
Down a path I met a wind ;
Leaning against it I breathed hard,
I felt its vigour and laughed deeply.
Into the garden crept music
Leaping to glad rhapsody, I listened. . . .
Out from the back, danced a girl,
White and beautiful
Down to a clear green pool she danced,
Her hair flaming in the sun,
Her blue eyes smiling over the wet red stones,
Her arms stretched out to me.
I reached out to her
And a cold, drear mist embraced me
Flanders Black!
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