page | ||
§5. Mutual relation of the Gospels | 35 | |
§6. St. John's first Epistle | 37 | |
John as an eye-witness. Greek order of the Gospels | 38 | |
§7. Acts of the Apostles. Jerome quoted | 39 | |
Eusebius. Roman character of the Fragment | 40 | |
St. Peter's martyrdom. Tertullian, Caius, Dionysius | 41 | |
§8. St. Paul's Epistles, Corinthians, Galatians, Romans | 41 | |
Old Testament citations mostly in the Romans | 43 | |
§9. St. Paul's Epistles to seven Churches | 43 | |
The Apocalypse of St. John | 43 | |
Victorinus Petavionensis (A. D. 300), Cyprian | 45 | |
Catholic Church | 45 | |
Bede | 46 | |
§10. St. Paul's Epistles to individuals | 46 | |
§11. Epistles falsely ascribed to St. Paul | 47 | |
To the Laodiceans; to the Alexandrians | 4 | |
§12. Epistles of Jude and John | 47 | |
§13. The Book of Wisdom | 50 | |
Supposed omission in the Fragment | 51 | |
Wisdom and Proverbs | 51 | |
Is Wisdom the work of Philo? Jerome quoted | 53 | |
Hippolytus quoted, note | 53 | |
Irenaeus and Eusebius on the book of Wisdom | 54 | |
Opinion of Bishop Fitzgerald, note | 54 | |
Early traces of the book. Clement of Rome | 55 | |
§14. Apocalypses of John and Peter | 56 | |
Early citations from the so-called Apocalypse of Peter. Eusebius, Clement of Alexandria | 56 | |
Methodius. Hippolytus, note | 57 | |
§15. Hermas and the Shepherd | 58 | |
Date of the Muratorian Fragment | 58 | |
Hermas used by Irenaeus and Clement of Alexandria | 59 | |
Supposition of Origen as to the authorship | 59 | |
Rejected by Tertullian: Eusebius and Jerome | 60 | |
Testimonies as to its date | 61 | |
Commendations on the work as a fiction | 62 | |
Discovery of the Greek Text | 63 | |
Recent discoveries. Hypereides, Philosophumena of Hippolytus, &c. | 63 | |
The MS. of Hippolytus. Dr. Routh on the authorship, note | 63 | |
§16. Certain writings of Heretics | 64 | |
Conclusion of the Fragment | 65 |