- is its inward beginning, and the glory of God its end, then that is pure which appeareth outwardly: otherwise it is nought but hypocrisy or false righteousness. Matt. xxv. 26. 1693.
- What else can we be, but darkness, but wandering, and sin, without the light of faith, without Christ, and without charity. Eph. v. 8.
- As no sin is without our own self-love, so is no good work without the love of God. Mark vii. 22, 23.
- In vain do we cry unto God, "my father," if that which crieth be not the spirit of charity. Rom. viii. 15.
- Faith justifieth, when it operates; but it does not itself operate, save through charity. Acts xiii. 39.
- All other means of salvation are contained in faith, is in its own proper germ and seed; but this faith is not apart from love and confidence. Acts x. 43.
- Charity alone in Christian wise maketh [actions Christian] through relation to God and Jesus Christ. Coloss. iii. 14.
- It is charity alone which speaketh unto God; God heareth his alone. 1 Cor. xiii. 1.
- God crowneth nought but charity; he that runneth from another impulse or motive runneth in vain. 1 Cor. ix. 24.
- God rewardeth only charity, because charity alone honoureth God. Matth. xxv. 36.
- Everything is wanting to the sinner, when hope is wanting to him; and there is no hope in God, where there is not the love of God. Matth. xxvii. 5.
- Neither God, nor religion, is there, where charity is not. 1 John iv. 8.
- The prayer of the ungodly is a new sin, and what God [thereupon] doth grant to them, is a new judgment against them. John x. 25. 1693.
- If the fear of punishment alone excites penitence, the more violent it (penitence) is, so much the more doth it lead to desperation. Matth. xxvii. 5.
- Fear restraineth but the hand, but the heart is devoted to sin so long as it is not led by the love of justice. Luke xx. 19.
- He who abstains not from evil, save through the fear of punishment, commits that [evil] in his heart, and is already guilty before God. Matth. xxi. 46.