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B. If two aggregates and are such that is equivalent to a part of and to a part of , then and are equivalent;

C. If is a part of an aggregate , is a part of the aggregate , and if the aggregates and are equivalent, then is equivalent to both and ;

D. If, with two aggregates and , is equivalent neither to nor to a part of , there is a part of that is equivalent to ;

E. If two aggregates and are not equivalent, and there is a part of that is equivalent to , then no part of is equivalent to .


The Addition and Multiplication of Powers

The union of two aggregates and which have no common elements was denoted in § 1, (2), by . We call it the "union-aggregate (Vereinigungsmenge) of and ."

If and are two other aggregates without common elements, and if and , we saw that we have


Hence the cardinal number of only depends upon the cardinal numbers and .

This leads to the definition of the sum of a and b. We put
