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reciprocally univocal relation subsists between the aggregates and .

[495] If both sides of the equation (8) are multiplied by , we get , and, by repeated multiplications by , we get the equation, valid for every finite cardinal number :


The theorems E and A of §5 lead to this theorem on finite aggregates:

C. Every finite aggregate is such that it is equivalent to none of its parts.

This theorem stands sharply opposed to the following one for transfinite aggregates:

D. Every transfinite aggregate is such that it has parts which are equivalent to it.

Proof.—By theorem A of this paragraph there is a part of with the cardinal number . Let , so that is composed of those elements of which are different from the elements . Let us put , ; then is a part of , and, in fact, that part which arises out of if we leave out the single element . Since , by theorem B of this paragraph, and , we have, by §1, .

In these theorems C and D the essential difference between finite and transfinite aggregates, to which I referred in the year 1877, in volume lxxxiv [1878] of Crelle's Journal, p. 242, appears in the clearest way.

After we have introduced the least transfinite