Page:Captain Barnwell.pdf/2

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Alone as I was walking,
'twas on a ſummer's day,
I heard two lovers talking,
and ſhe to him did ſay,
All in a mournful ditty,
ſhe thus began her tale,
Which mov'd his heart in pity,
her true love to bewail.

O true-love, true-love Samuel,
now begins thy woe!
O true-love, true-love Sarah,
what makes you to ſay ſo?
My friends and brother Barnwell,
is ſo diſpleas'd at thee,
They ſay that they will ſlay thee
upon the mountains high.

O tell thy friends and brother,
I am not ſuch a man!
I care not a ſtraw for them,
let them do the worſt they can:
Give me thy hand, ſweet laſſie,

and ſtand thee true to me,