Page:Captain Barnwell.pdf/5

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O ſay not ſo, ſays Samuel,
O ſay not ſo, ſaid he;
Grant me but one only thing,
and I'll be kind to thee,
For to enjoy thy ſiſter,
likewiſe the Courtier's Hall,
And I will uſe thee kindly
upon the mountains high.

So here comes Sarah Barnwell,
tripping o'er the plain;
Thinking to find her brother
or true-love to be ſlain;
Wringing her hands
and weeping her eyes.
Till ſhe ſpied them coming
from off the mountains high.

Then Barnwell ſtept up to her,
and took her by the hand,
And gave her unto Samuel
in the place where he did ſtand
I do preſent my ſiſter
be thy wedded wife,
And wiſh you proſperation
all the days of thy life.