Page:Captain Cook's Journal during His First Voyage Round the World.djvu/275

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Feb. 1770.]
Off Timaru, Middle Island, N.Z.

Monday, 19th.—P.M. had a Moderate breeze at N.N.W. and N. until 8 o'clock, when it fell little wind, and was very unsettled until 10, at which time it fix'd at South, and freshen'd in such a manner that before the morning it brought us under our close reeft Topsails. At 8 a.m. having run 28 Leagues upon a W. by N. ½ N. Course, and now judging ourselves to be to the Westward of the Land of Tovy Poenammu, we bore away N.W. with a fresh Gale at S. At 10 o'clock, having run 11 Miles upon this Course, we saw land extending from the S.W. to the N.W. at the distance of about 10 Leagues from us, which we hauled up for. At Noon our Latitude per observation was 44° 38′ S.; the S.E. point of Banks Island bore N. 59° 30′ E., distant 30 Leagues, and the Main body of the land in sight W. by N. Course and distance sail'd since Yesterday at Noon is N. 66° 45′ W., 96 Miles.

Tuesday, 20th.—All P.M. had little wind, which veer'd round from S. by E. to N.N.E. Steer'd S.S.W., but got very little to the Southward on account of a head Sea. At 2 o'Clock sounded in 35 fathoms, fine sandy Bottom, being about 6 Leagues from the land. At 7 o'Clock the Extreams of the land extending from S.W. by S. to N. by W., distant from the nearest shore 6 Leagues, depth of water 32 fathoms. At 12 o'Clock it fell Calm, and continued so until 4 A.M., when a fresh breeze sprung up at S. by W., with which we stood in shore W. by S., 4 Leagues, our Depth of Water from 32 to 13 fathoms. In this last Depth we Tack'd and Stood off, being about 3 Miles from the Shore, which lies nearly N. and S., and is here very low and flatt, and continues so up to the skirts of the hills, which are at least 4 or 5 Miles inland. The whole face of the Country appears barren, nor did we see any signs of inhabitants.[1] Latitude at Noon 44° 44′ S.; Long. made from Banks' Island to this land 2° 22′ W.

Wednesday, 21st.—Wind at S. A fresh Gale at 2 p.m., being in 50 fathoms, and 12 Leagues from the land, we tack'd and stood in Shore until 8 o'Clock, when we Tack'd and Stood off until 4 a.m.; then Tack'd and Stood in, at 8 o'Clock being 10 Leagues from the Land; had 57 fathoms. At Noon, being in the Lat. 44° 35′, and 5 or 6 Leagues from the land, had 36 fathoms; notwithstanding we have Carried as much sail as the Ship could bear, it is apparent from the observed Latitudes that we have been drove 3 Leagues to leeward since Yesterday.

Thursday, 22nd.—Moderate breezes between the S.E. and S. by W., and dark gloomy weather, with a Swell from the S.E. plying to windward, keeping between 4 and 12 Leagues from the land; depth of water from 35 to 53 fathoms, fine sandy bottom. A great

  1. This is a little south of Timaru, a rising town in a fertile district; so deceptive is appearance from the sea.