Page:Captain Cook's Journal during His First Voyage Round the World.djvu/419

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Sept. 1770.]
Off South Coast of Timor.

gave 18 Miles Westing, but it did not appear by the land that we had made so much. We saw several Smoaks upon the Land by day, and fires in the Night.

Thursday, 13th.—Stood in shore, with a light breeze at S. by W. until ½ past 5 o'Clock in the P.M., when, being a Mile and a ½ from the Shore, and in 16 fathoms, we tack'd and stood off. At this time the Extreams of the Land extended from N.E. by E. to W. by S. ½ S.; this last was a low point, distant from us about 3 Leagues. We were right before a small Creek or Inlet into the low land, which lies in the Latitude of 9° 34′ S. Probably it might be the same as Dampier went into in his Boat, for it did not seem to have depth of Water sufficient for anything else. In standing in shore we sounded several times, but found no soundings until we got within 2½ Miles of the Shore, where we had 25 fathoms, soft bottom. We stood off Shore until 12 o'Clock, with the wind at S., then Tack'd and stood to the Westward 2 Hours, when the wind veer'd to the S.W. and W.S.W., and then we stood to the Southward. In the Morning found the Variation to be 1° 10′ W. by the Amplitude, and by the Azimuth 1° 27′ W.; at Noon we were by Observation in the Latitude of 9° 45′ S., Long. 234° 12′ W., and about 6 or 7 Leagues from the land, which extended from N. 31° E. to W.S.W. ½ W. Winds at S.S.W., a Gentle breeze.

Friday, 14th.—Light Land and Sea breezes; the former we had from W. by N., and only a few hours in the morning, the latter we had from the S.S.W. and S. With these winds we advanced but slowly to the Westward. At Noon we were about 6 or 7 Leagues from the Land, which extended from N. by E. to S. 78° W.; our Latitude by Observation was 9° 54′ S. Course and Distance sail'd since Yesterday noon S. 68° W., 24 Miles. We saw several Smoakes ashore in the P.M., and fires in the night, both upon the Low land and up in the Mountains.

Saturday, 15th.—In the P.M. had the Sea breezes at S.S.W. and S., with which we stood to the Westward until 8 o'Clock, when being about 3 Leagues from the Land, and having very little wind, we tack'd and lay her Head off Shore. At 11 o'Clock we got the Land wind at N. by W., with which we steer'd S.W. by W. along shore, keeping about 4 or 5 Miles from the Land on which in the morning we saw several Houses, Plantations, etc. At 9 o'Clock we got the wind at N.E. by E., a light breeze; at Noon we were about 2 Leagues from the Land, which extended as far to the Southward as S.W. by W.; our Latitude by observation was 10° 1′ S. Course and Distance sail'd since Yesterday at Noon S. 78° 45′ W., 36 Miles.

Sunday, 16th.—Light breezes from the N.E. by E., with clear weather, except in the morning, when we had it cloudy, with a few