- Dead, Disposal of, 65, 81.
- Description of, 88.
- Desertion at, 80, 84.
- Dogs as food, 79.
- Emblems of peace, 64.
- Expedition round, 81.
- Fort erected at, 64, 68.
- Funeral ceremonies, 102.
- Government, 100.
- History, Notes on, 105.
- Houses, 96.
- Images, 83.
- Leave island, 87.
- Manners and Customs, 94.
- Mories (Morai) or temples, 83, 101.
- Music, 94.
- Natives of, Description of, 91.
- Rules for traffic with, 60.
- Oamo or Amo, Chief, 80, 83, 105, 106.
- Obariea, Queen, 67, 69, 70, 73, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86, 105.
- Owhaa, Chief, 60, 63, 66.
- Priests, 102.
- Produce of, 89.
- Religion, 101.
- Sexes, separation at meals, 91.
- Tattooing, 93.
- Thefts at, 62, 63, 68, 73, 75, 78, 82.
- Toobouratomita, Chief, 62, 65, 69, 71, 73, 77, 85.
- Tools, 98.
- Tootaha, Regent, 62, 67, 69, 70, 71, 74, 77, 85, 106.
- Traffic for provisions, 60, 87.
- Tupia, Priest. See Tupia.
- Weapons, 99.
- Wrestling, 71.
- Teneriff, Peak of, 8.
- Tenimber Islands, 336.
- Tern. See Eggbirds.
- Thrum Cap Island, 56.
- Tierra del Fuego, Expedition into, 38.
- Timor, 338.
- Tootaha, Regent of Tahiti. See Tahiti.
- Transit of Mercury, 150.
- Transit of Venus, 76.
- Tropic birds, 53.
- Tupia, Priest of Tahiti, 102, 105, 109, 112, 131, 132, 136, 182, 187, 242, 286, 349, 354.
- Death of, 363.
- Islands known to, 229.
- Knowledge of, 121.
- Taken on board, 87.
- Usefulness of, 363.
- Turtle, 285, 287, 288, 290, 295, 301, 352.
- Two Groups Island, 57.
- Ulietea, Acting and dances at, 114.
- Description of, 116.
- Harbour, 111.
- Opoony, King of, 115.
- Rautoanui Harbour, 114.
- Variation, Remarks on, 104.
- Venereal Disease, 76.
- Walsche, Cape, 331.
- Warping, Machine for, 389.
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Elliott Stock, 62, Paternoster Row.