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Captain Glen‘s Unhappy Voyage.

There was a ſhip and a ſlip of fame,
Launch‘d off the ſtocks, bound to the main,
With a hundred & fifty brisk young men,
Was pick‘d and choſen every one.

William Glen was our Captain‘s name,
he was a bold and a brisk young man;
as bold a ſailor as e‘er went to ſea,
and he was bound to New Barbary.

The firſt of april we did ſet ſail,
bleſt with a pleaſant and proſperous gale,
for we were bound to New Barbary,
with all our whole ſhip‘s company.

We had not ſailed a league but two,
till all our whole ſhip‘s jovial crew,
they all fell ſick but ſixty-three,
as we went to New Barbary.

One night the Captain he did dream,
there came a voice which ſaid to him,
prepare you and your company
to-morrow you muſt lodge with me.