Page:Captain Glen's unhappy voyage to New Barbary (2).pdf/5

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But when our ſhip was in repair
to fair England our courſe did ſteer;
but when we came to London town,
our diſmal caſe we then made known.

Now many wives their huſbands loſt,
whom they lamented to their coſt,
which caus‘d them to weep bitterly,
theſe tidings from New Barbary.

A hundred and fifty briſk young men,
did to our goodly ſhip belong;
of all our whole ſhips company
our number was but ſixty-three.

Now ſeamen all where‘er you be
I pray a warning take by me;
as you love your life ſtill have a care,
you never ſail with a murderer.
’Tls never more I do intend
for to croſs o‘er the raging main;
but I‘ll live at peace in own county,
and ſo I end my tragedy.