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strongly motivating action and decision, but seldom emerging clearly into consciousness. In the mean time the formulas of the old faith are retained and repeated by force of habit, until one day the realization comes that conduct and sympathies and fundamental desires have become so inconsistent with the logical framework that it must be discarded. Then begins the task of building up and rationalizing a new faith.”

Ever in the making, as law develops through the centuries, is this new faith which silently and steadily effaces our mistakes and eccentricities I sometimes think that we worry ourselves overmuch about the enduring consequences of our errors. They may work a little confusion for a time. In the end, they will be modified or corrected or their teachings ignored. The future takes care of such things. In the endless process of testing and retesting, there is a constant rejection of the dross, and a constant retention of whatever is pure and sound and fine.

The future, gentlemen, is yours: We have been called to do our parts in an ageless process. Long