Page:Care and Management of Rabbits.djvu/103

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will enable the back yard breeder to keep at least two breeding does, one buck and still have an extra hutch for the use of the growing stock. By a very conservative management the breeder should be able to keep one table supplying a family of five in no need of meat and still have several rabbits to sell frequently to pay the cost of feed and some return on the investment.

Another hutch of similar size and affording the same results as to yearly production is shown in Plan No. 3. This hutch also has four separate hutches, but it has the arrangement of having two hutches above those which are nearer the ground.

It is 3 by 6 feet in size and 4 feet 9 inches high. Each hutch is just 3 by 3 feet in size. No nest boxes are built in but the breeder will have to provide removable nest boxes about 18 inches square and 1 foot high which can be put in the hutch when occasion warrants it.

By using an awning as shown in the illustration the interior of the hutches can be shaded