Carmella Commands
in Doty Street that he had as customers some of the city’s leading citizens.
It was rumored that the president of the powerful trust company where Mike did his banking was a regular buyer of several cases a month of varied liquors, being a lavish entertainer. In this same trust company Mr. Barrington was a director.
It was obvious that a notable man like Mike would pick for assistant a boy whose abilities he rated high.
Carmella strolled to the street, still occupied with these thoughts. Nicolo presently swaggered out of his house.
“How come, kid?” he asked.
“Right as oh-so,” said Carmella. And after a moment she added:
“Like to ask me to a movie again?”
“Yeh!” he admitted.
“If you’re broke, I’ll ask you.”
“Broke be damned! You don’t get it, kid, that I gotta job now, and I’m hipped for time. I gotta work.”
“Then we’ve got to plan,” said Carmella. “I have to wash dishes this vake. Dad said so. You got to make booze and all that. When do we get together?”
“Tonight, if you’re game,” said Nicolo.
“Sure thing!” said Carmella. “I’ll go with you tonight. Dad won’t kick on one night.”
That evening, after supper, she asked him if she